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21 Degrees Digital

21 Degrees Digital

利用 21 Degrees 释放您品牌的潜力

Leeds, England, United Kingdom




21 Degrees Digital 是一家数字营销机构,我们将极客与时尚融合在我们所有的服务中。我们的服务包括:

· 网络开发


· 点击付费广告

· 公共关系

· 平面设计

· 摄像


我们的使命宣言是“提供透明的创意和数字解决方案”,因为当客户来找我们时,我们首先想到的是如何为他们提供所需的解决方案。这意味着通过数据驱动的策略提供引人入胜的内容,以获得客户应得的结果。当事情出错时,很容易陷入消极情绪,但在 21 Degrees Digital,我们保持积极心态,寻求创造理想的解决方案。这种独特的营销活动处理角度对于那些与其他营销机构有过不愉快经历的公司来说也非常棒。

我们的独特之处在于,我们在 21 Degrees Digital 的各个方面都追求包容性和多样性。这为我们的团队、流程、工作和环境创造了独特的思维。21 Degrees Digital 认为包容性和多样性意味着理解。我们寻找那些愿意学习和以不同的方式思考以获得独特视角的人。正是通过这种信念,我们才能够最好地支持我们的团队、我们的客户和整个 21 Degrees Digital。

$1,000 - $5,000
  • 开始于 1-3 months
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 英语


Flooring By Nature 是 2022 年 11 月成立的一家全新电子商务商店。Flooring By Nature 有着发展的雄心,但 SERP 却被大型全国性公司所主导,因此,Flooring By Nature 需要找到一种方法在竞争激烈的市场中站稳脚跟。​


我们的团队利用 SEO 重写了产品和类别页面,以提高一般术语和更具体的短语(例如“软木地板砖”)的排名。结合站外链接建设,该网站从默默无闻一跃成为 SERP 的顶尖网站。​


30,000 英镑以上收入 4.1 倍投资回报率 +27 平均排名


Turn key dental 为英国各地的牙医提供牙科装修和临时牙科诊所服务。由于销售流程是通过贸易展推动的,因此 COVID 严重扰乱了业务,因此企业需要一种新的方式来产生潜在客户。




17.5 万英镑收入 51 条线索 22 倍投资回报率


LFH Regulatory 为医疗器械和 IVD 提供法规咨询服务。凭借这种小众服务,LFH 努力在个人关系之外发展业务。​


尽管搜索量较低,我们仍利用页面 SEO 让 LFH 在 Google 上针对特定、高意向的“长尾”问题获得更高的排名,并提供潜在客户可以下载的有用资源。这使得 LFH 能够重新与这些客户互动并获得高价值交易​


42 万英镑收入 48 笔高价值交易

Leeds, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 21 Degrees Digital 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Bud Financial 发展业务
Leeds, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 21 Degrees Digital 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Target Dental Group 发展业务
Leeds, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 21 Degrees Digital 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 LFH Regulatory 发展业务
Leeds, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 21 Degrees Digital 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Prince Of Wales Hospice 发展业务
Leeds, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 21 Degrees Digital 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Flooring By Nature 发展业务


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Annabelle Pounder
Jun 28, 2024

My experience with 21 Degrees Digital was seamless from start to finish. They listened carefully to my brief and executed it perfectly. Communication was outstanding and any queries were responded to swiftly. They exceeded my expectations in creating an amazing website that captured all the elements I requested and beyond. I even had a training session post production that was recorded so I could use it to reference when making any changes. Fantastic team who genuinely care about getting the very best results for their clients. I can't thank them enough and highly recommend 21 Degrees Digital who deserve 21 stars instead of 5!

Janet Francis
Sep 20, 2023

Just wanted to say thanks to 21 Degrees for running a fabulous training course last week on Videography. It was really informative and has helped me enormously. The content was great and suited different levels of competency. The practical work was particularly useful. Kyle who ran the event was brilliant and I really feel able to contact him if I have any issues. I would definitely attend further courses and will happily recommend them.

Kerry Magson
Aug 31, 2023

We’ve been lucky enough to have the support of Kyle at 21 Degrees Digital at some of our past events. Kyle kindly donated his time and expertise and really managed to capture the essence of The Principle Trust by talking to our staff, volunteers and fundraisers. The end product is outstanding, I can’t wait to share this with our supporters. I feel sure this will help us connect and engage with our audience especially on social media. I wish you a very heartfelt thank you Kyle, we’re indebted to you and your support of The Principle Trust. I would whole heartedly recommend 21 Degrees Digital to any of my family, friends or colleagues.

Liza Kellett
Mar 13, 2024

Working with 21 Degrees Digital is a joy. They've really taken the time to get to know us as a client and their sincere interest in our work and ambitions means they deliver excellently for us in multiple ways: a) setting up campaigns eg facebook advertising, b) managing and enhancing our website, and c) supporting us to develop our own digital skills and organisational capacity, plus helping our members do so too. The team is highly professional and manage us beautifully!

Simon Hayhurst
Nov 2, 2023

Free digital health check: I met with Rory and Olivia yesterday to take advantage of a free digital health check with the view to improve my company’s digital marketing presence and convert more site visitors to enquiries. Rory was incredibly knowledgeable and presented the health check and recommendations in a language that I could understand. He made some significant observations and provided guidance on what I should do in the short term whilst a campaign is put together for early 2024. Rory explained the pricing clearly and provided a breakdown on what the campaign would look like, and we agreed the desired outcomes from the campaign. I look forward to working with Rory and his team in 2024 and would not hesitate to recommend 21 Degrees Digital to my business network and business owner friends.





It takes about 3 minutes.

Leeds, England, United Kingdom的营销公司

It takes about 3 minutes.