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3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency

3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency


New York, New York, United States



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3:5 Creatives 是您的首选数字营销机构,旨在帮助企业在拥挤的在线空间中脱颖而出。作为SEMRush 代理合作伙伴,我们专注于制定数据驱动的战略,以推动可衡量的增长、提高品牌知名度并最大化投资回报率。无论您是想增强 SEO、打造强大的品牌形象,还是创建可转换的网站,我们都有专业知识来提供真正的成果。

为何选择 3:5 Creative?


  • SEO 和付费广告:利用 SEMRush 洞察的力量来主导搜索排名,产生高质量流量并提高转化率。
  • 品牌和网页设计:通过令人惊叹、高性能的网站和吸引受众的凝聚力形象,打造脱颖而出的品牌。
  • 社交媒体管理:从内容创建到参与,我们帮助您建立有意义的联系,以推动忠诚度和销售。
  • 内容营销和潜在客户生成:提供引人注目的内容,将您的品牌定位为行业权威,同时产生高意向的潜在客户。




如果您已准备好与一支和您一样热衷于您的成功的团队一起扩展您的业务,那么让我们联系起来。3:5 Creatives 将帮助您将愿景转变为数字化成功。

请访问 开始吧!

$2,500 - 5,000
  • 3-6 个月
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语




我们制定了一项策略,使用 5 个直播平台、广播和关键影响者,他们将把他们的粉丝带入活动。我们举办了一场直播拉丁音乐和流行文化节,为农场工人的疫情救济基金筹集善款。这次活动的目标是尽可能地覆盖广泛的受众,为农场工人的疫情救济基金筹集善款。服务:项目管理品牌和平面设计网站设计社交媒体策略视频制作付费媒体直播活动制作


覆盖用户 5.69 亿 直播总观看次数 120 万 筹集资金 150 万美元 媒体曝光次数 19 亿次


Grit City 位于纽约布朗克斯,这家 CrossFit 健身房不仅致力于挑战观众,还鼓励他们突破自己的极限。搬到新社区后,Grit City 需要全新的品牌形象。挑战:我们必须重新考虑一切。随着搬到一个完全不同的社区、品牌重塑和疫情的到来,我们必须为一个全新的、不同的目标人群制定战略。


通过广泛的市场调研,我们能够制定有效的营销活动,最终决定在布朗克斯开展营销活动。即使在疫情期间,我们也帮助 Grit City 销售了更多健身装备(由我们设计和制造),他们的会员数量也持续增长。服务:营销策略、品牌标识、网站设计和开发、社交媒体活动管理、内容创作、服装设计和印刷。


会员数量增加 400% 会员保留率增加 90% 潜在客户数量增加 100% 15 个排名第一的本地关键词 每月 40,000 次 GMB 个人资料浏览量 每月 3000+ 次个人资料互动 此次活动之后,他们必须增加员工以应对客户数量的增长。

New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 HGTV 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Dog & Co. 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Grit City 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Makina 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Microsoft 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 3:5 Creative[s] - Digital Marketing Agency 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 1 Hotels Miami 发展业务


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Malia Faleafine
Oct 7, 2024

I cannot speak higher about partnering with 3:5 Creatives on my branding material. They take the time to understand your POV, target audience, and impression you want to have. This first project with their team has allowed me to streamline and align my messaging to be able to increase sales, which is critical to the work of a consultant. In addition to their creative output, they provide you with a timeline of deliverables that they stick to and their team is incredibly responsive with any questions. 10/10 would recommend for all your branding and digital marketing needs.

Allison Dunn
Nov 7, 2023

I cannot speak highly enough of my experience with Daniel and his team. From the start, their team was incredibly professional, responsive and attentive to my business needs. Their expertise and knowledge in the industry was evident during our consultation. They took the time to thoroughly understand my business goals and target audience, enabling them to create a tailored marketing strategy that aligned perfectly with my objectives.

Nov 10, 2023

I reached out to 3.5 Creative because I was having difficulty in securing good quality leads. We discussed the market that Hunter Business School was going after. We reviewed my current plans. He was very intuitive . He picked up on what I needed and he understood my budget ,the cost of lead/show enrollment that I had. He presented plans and ideas that were realistic . He also presented ideas that had good value, but different . It was enlightening to speak with his company and his staff. I have known Daniel for almost 2 years. We met at the Goldman Sachs 10K business program. Daniel and his agency is well footed and has great creatively and energy. Jay Fund ,President Hunter Business School, Long Island NY

NYPACE Marketing
May 28, 2024

NYPACE has worked with the kind and creative 3:5 team to update our brand/logo, completely revamp our website, and create our newsletter template. At each step, all team members were thoughtful and professional. Even with difficult technical challenges, they continued to work with us to make sure they were resolved before closing the project. The beautiful final website/brand product can speak for itself!

Kyle Griffith
Nov 7, 2023

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing Daniel’s dedication to top-notch quality over our three-year acquaintance. His digital marketing agency is in a league of its own when it comes to creating authentic, meaningful engagement between businesses and their audiences. Knowing his work as I do, I highly recommend partnering with Daniel and his team to elevate your brand's presence and impact.





It takes about 3 minutes.

New York, New York, United States的营销公司

It takes about 3 minutes.