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Cardinal Digital Marketing

Atlanta, Georgia, United States



在 Cardinal,我们不仅注重结果:我们还非常注重结果。从 2 人 SEO 公司扩展到 60 多人的医疗保健绩效营销机构,我们知道如何通过行之有效的增长策略、数据驱动的策略和在其他地方很难找到的坚韧来点燃多地点医疗保健集团的真正业务增长。


在 Cardinal Marketing,我们全心全意地相信高质量医疗保健的力量。这就是为什么我们全心全意帮助多地点医疗保健组织扩大规模。我们付出 110% 的努力,因为我们相信与我们合作的企业。

当您与 Cardinal 合作时,您无需等待数天(或更糟糕的是,数周)即可进行沟通。您将始终可以即时、直接地联系您的客户管理团队。最重要的是,我们积极主动,这意味着我们预见到障碍,避免出现问题,并且永不满足于现状。

$1,000 起
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 英语


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Osirus Brisbane
Nov 14, 2024

Alex and Ashley at Cardinal have been fantastic clients to work for, providing detailed project briefs as necessary, while still leaving lots of room for creative freedom to present things in the best way. It's an ideal balance for a creative partner: they put in the time to thoroughly research and plan things out, while still being open to innovative approaches and new perspectives. They're also good at giving feedback -- praise for a job well done, or friendly actionable suggestions -- ensuring the focus is always on making the final product as good as it can be, by making sure constructive criticism is more about the constructive and not about criticism. That ethos, along with the general spirit of fun that permeates a lot of what they do, makes them an absolute pleasure to work with.

Todd Weeks
Feb 28, 2024

The Cardinal team does a phenomenal job in driving results and great outcomes for their clients. What drives them everyday is connecting patients to great care. You will not find a more caring and committed marketing partner to help you grow your practice than Cardinal Digital Marketing.

Wilson Henry
Feb 29, 2024

The team at Cardinal are top marketing experts in their fields. Their recommendations were well thought out and utilized the most cutting-edge and advanced strategies in online marketing. Great communicators and fun to work with as well!

Heidi Shull
Mar 1, 2024

Working with Alex and the Cardinal team, they are extreme professionals and show the highest level of respect and commitment to their customers and the work they do for them. I highly recommend Cardinal as a partner!





It takes about 3 minutes.

Atlanta, Georgia, United States的营销公司

It takes about 3 minutes.