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Conroe, Texas, United States



Houston IT Developers LLC是一家值得信赖的数字解决方案提供商,帮助伍德兰兹、康罗和全国各地的企业扩大其在线业务。我们提供移动应用开发、网页设计、网站维护、定制软件解决方案以及高级广告和营销服务。我们专注于长期增长,帮助品牌建立强大的数字足迹并推动有意义的互动。

2024 年,我们领导了美国影院上映排名第一的纪录片的广告宣传,帮助该片在三个月内吸引了110,000 多名社交媒体粉丝网站浏览量超过 140 万次。我们的战略广告、SEO 优化和社交媒体管理取得了可衡量的成功,凸显了我们在吸引在线互动方面的专业知识。

作为一家获得商业改进局 (BBB) 评级 A+ 的SEMRush 认证广告代理机构,并且是伍德兰兹和康罗商会的会员,我们是寻求发展的企业的可信赖选择。我们为各种行业提供支持,从电子商务和服务提供商到实体企业,并提供 SEO 策略来提高搜索排名和在线知名度。


凭借在搜索引擎优化 (SEO)方面的专业知识,我们创建了丰富的 SEO 内容,并实施了先进的页面和技术 SEO 策略,以最大限度地扩大覆盖面。我们的电子商务 SEO 服务旨在吸引合格的流量并将访客转化为忠实客户。

除了 SEO,我们的社交媒体营销和内容创建服务还可建立品牌社区并提高客户参与度。使用 SEMRush、PPC 和社交媒体广告,我们创建有针对性的广告活动,为本地和全国受众带来流量和潜在客户。

选择Houston IT Developers LLC以获得以结果为导向的解决方案,帮助建立强大的数字影响力。我们将创造力与技术技能相结合,帮助客户实现可持续增长。让我们成为您的合作伙伴,扩大您的品牌影响力,增强 SEO,并取得持久的成功。

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  • United States
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语


其主要目标是让《耶稣口渴电影》成为美国所有影院中票房最高的纪录片。目标包括最大限度地提高全国知名度、推动票房增长以及建立强大的社交媒体影响力,以在电影上映前、上映期间和上映后吸引观众。实现高参与度并在 2024 年成为美国纪录片的头把交椅是成功的关键目标。


我们实施了一项数字战略,管理 Facebook、Instagram、TikTok、LinkedIn 和 YouTube 上的社交媒体和广告。我们的策略包括围绕影院和基于 Catholic Connect 粉丝的类似受众群体进行地理定位广告。这使我们能够覆盖更大、高度相关的受众群体,同时保持低成本并最大限度地提高广告影响力,以提高知名度和参与度。


仅三个月时间,我们就将他们的社交关注者人数增加到 11 万以上,推动了观众人数的持续增长。我们的努力帮助《耶稣口渴电影》在 2024 年成为美国纪录片中排名第一的电影,并获得了最高的影院收入。定向广告确保了具有成本效益的覆盖范围,提升了电影的商业成功和长期的社交媒体影响力。


Catholic Connect 旨在为全球天主教徒打造一款统一的应用,将教区、团体、企业和个人集中到一个平台。该项目需要无缝应用体验和教区管理面板,以帮助教区更好地与社区互动。快速启动并从一开始就推动高参与度是关键挑战。


我们开发了 Catholic Connect 的整个软件,包括用户应用程序和教区管理面板,创建了一个全球天主教联系平台。我们的数字营销工作专注于定向广告,产生即时的吸引力和安装量。我们通过持续的技术支持和推广策略来支持该应用程序的快速增长,以覆盖更广泛的受众。


第一个月,Catholic Connect 的安装量超过 20,000 次,用户遍布 40 多个国家。该平台继续快速扩张,加强了全球天主教社区。我们的定向广告和强大的技术基础帮助推动了较高的初始参与度,巩固了 Catholic Connect 作为全球天主教网络的首选平台的地位。

Conroe, Texas, United States 营销公司 Houston IT Developers LLC - Custom Software & SEO 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Jesus Thirsts Film - #1 U.S. Documentary for 2024! 发展业务
Conroe, Texas, United States 营销公司 Houston IT Developers LLC - Custom Software & SEO 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Catholic Connect 发展业务
Conroe, Texas, United States 营销公司 Houston IT Developers LLC - Custom Software & SEO 获得了 Certified Google Partner 奖项
Conroe, Texas, United States 营销公司 Houston IT Developers LLC - Custom Software & SEO 获得了 BusinessFirms Verified 奖项


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Shaun Alcantar
Feb 27, 2025

I would definitely Recommend them. I had the pleasure of speaking with Richy for my consultantaion and he was very knowledgeable as well as very patient while I asked questions. I'm completely new to building a website and I look forward to working with Richy and his team!

Wengo Services
Feb 28, 2025

Richy was very attentive, he has a lot of knowledge about the subject, he made everything about his service very clear. He seems like a correct and honest person. I definitely recommend this company.

Ryan Clouse
Apr 10, 2022

Having Houston IT Developers create my business website was one of the best decisions I've made this year. Their team was professional, prompt, and exceeded my expectations! The designs of my website were created, revised, and finalized within 3 weeks and my full website was completed within 5 weeks. They even went above and beyond to recommend and include things I hadn't even thought of which took it to the next level. Overall, I would definitely recommend this business and I look forward to keep working with their talented team.

Amin Castillo
Apr 9, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of working with Houston IT Developers for the development of custom clinic software for our medical facility. I am thrilled to share my experience and highly recommend their services. Our clinic was in dire need of a software solution that could automate various tedious tasks and streamline our staff's workflow. Houston IT Developers exceeded our expectations in every aspect of the project. From the beginning, their team was attentive to our specific requirements and demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the healthcare industry. Throughout the project, they maintained excellent communication, keeping us informed of their progress and involving us in crucial decision-making. The final product was a robust, user-friendly application tailored to our clinic's unique needs, enabling our staff to operate more efficiently and improve patient care. Houston IT Developers' expertise in automation and software development transformed our clinic's operations, saving us valuable time and resources. Their professionalism, technical knowledge, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them the ideal choice for any organization seeking custom software solutions. If you're in need of a reliable and experienced software development partner, don't hesitate to contact Houston IT Developers LLC. Our experience with them has been nothing short of amazing, and we look forward to working with them again in the future.

Gia Chacon
Apr 7, 2022

I have been working with Houston IT Developers for 2 years now and my experience has always been great. Their team quickly developed a beautiful website for my nonprofit organization and has quickly resolved any tech issues we've come across. I know my organization would not be where it is without their expertise & care!





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It takes about 3 minutes.