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International Internet Advertising Services Inc.

Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada



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在 IIAS,我们不仅创建网站,还打造数字巨头,将访客转化为客户。作为加拿大顶级数字营销机构,我们专注于推动增长的 SEO 和网页设计。凭借超过 27 年的经验,我们完善了策略,只做一件事:取得成果。

在关键时刻发挥作用的 SEO

忘掉黑客和捷径。真正的 SEO 意味着设计出能被找到和信任的网站。我们的团队花了十多年时间改进 Google 奖励的技术,让您的业务在首页上脱颖而出,并一直保持在那里。使用 IIAS,您不仅会获得点击量,还会获得重要的点击量。客户想要您提供的产品。




IIAS 的核心是清晰。我们制定战略,帮助您脱颖而出并实现增长。我们揭开数字营销的神秘面纱,为您提供持久的战略、您理解的见解和可衡量的结果。我们与您一路同行 — 我们是诚实的合作伙伴,与您一样认真对待您的成长。




如果您正在寻找一个像对待自己的品牌一样对待您的品牌的合作伙伴,那么就从 IIAS 开始吧。我们将帮助您的企业在喧嚣的市场中脱颖而出,为您带来合适的客户,并确保您的网站始终为您服务。加拿大顶级数字营销团队已准备就绪。让我们让您的品牌令人难忘。

IIAS:网站运行良好,SEO 效果显著。联系我们,让我们一起努力。

$1,000 - $5,000
  • 6 个月以上
  • Canada
  • 英语


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Jan 16, 2025

Our website is a critical link to the supporters of the non profit I work with. Nick and Paul took time to understand our unique needs and tailor the design and esthetic to align to our goals. Meetings were always well structured, timely and informative. Support was only ever a quick request away. We are so pleased with the end result, delivering on objectives and coming in on budget.

John Lopez
Oct 28, 2024

Nick and Mike were fantastic helping us grow our contracting business. From web design, marketing strategy, and all the fine tune adjustments throughout the years the friendly team at iias took care of that end for us so we could do what we do best. And now that other opportunities are evolving for us we are looking forward to growing those businesses together with the iias team support.

HD Plastic
Aug 21, 2024

We work with IIAS for the past two years for our food packaging website, and I can't say enough about their excellent service. Nick and his team are incredibly attentive, always responsive to our needs, and demonstrate great professionalism in every interaction. Thanks to their expertise, we've seen consistent growth in our organic traffic over the last two years. I highly recommend IIAS for anyone looking to improve their SEO strategy!

Diane Marsh
Jan 21, 2025

Redid our website and email system and listened to what we wanted and did a great job. We are pleased with the way the new website draws your interest to the animals and the charity.

Jeet Sidhu
Apr 6, 2024

Our family business had the great pleasure of working with Mike and his team at International Internet Advertising Services. Mike was extremely helpful and gave us practical ideas and as well as amazing ideas outside the box. We had a major deadline for an industry event and Mike got the website and related materials for the event done in a very short amount of time. We thought we approached Mike too late for the event but he hustled and got it done. We are grateful to IIAS and we absolutely love their designs and the feedback from our industry partners validates this. I strongly recommend Mike and his team as they will get the job right, on time and within budget.





It takes about 3 minutes.

It takes about 3 minutes.