Semrush 营销公司合作伙伴标识
营销公司描述是使用 Google Translation API 翻译的。

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States



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我们的创新方法以数据驱动的洞察力为基础,并得到广泛的业务管理咨询的支持。我们很自豪能够成为您团队的延伸 — 深入研究您的目标、挑战和愿望,以量身定制可实现可衡量结果的解决方案。每一步都是合作:我们倾听、制定战略和改进,确保您的信息直接传达给最重要的人。相信我们能用创造力、战略和经过验证的结果让您的品牌焕发生机。

$0 - $5,000
  • 不到 1 个月
  • 1-3 个月
  • 3-6 个月
  • United States
  • 英语


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Sawyer Powers
Nov 19, 2024

Precision Marketing Partners has been an absolute joy to work with. They were supportive from start to finish and even after my project was complete. Whether your project is large or small, I absolutely recommend Greg and this team. I am so thankful that I had their expertise to guide me!

Jason Lenhardt
Nov 5, 2024

Working with Precision Marketing Partners (PMP) for over a decade has been one of the best investments my company has made. They've been able to pull together all of the various advertising, marketing, and public relations components of our brand and help to turn it into a recognizable brand with a favorable reputation with recognized ties to the community. We will continue to partner with PMP in the future because as our needs change, and as do the expectations of our market, PMP will advise us in the proper direction with confidence and certainty.

dan thompson
Oct 29, 2024

The PMP team helped save our business three years ago. Long story but the result was this- We lost all of our reviews and online presence in 2021. Jen and Greg at PMP helped us design a website and put together a multi-year marketing plan. The " ask " from them was to follow the plan and good things would happen. Here we are, almost four years later, and we have nearly doubled our revenue. They listened, asked the right questions and came back with multiple potential solutions. I am not overstating their value to our company. And yes, we are still following the plan and working with PMP almost daily to continue our growth.

Tim Lentz
Oct 28, 2024

We have worked with Precision for several years. The staff are knowledgeable and responsive. We did not have a marketing plan when we started with them. The team helped us to rebrand, develop a relevant website, create a reputation management process and manage our social media platforms. They are a one stop shop, related to your marketing needs and so much more.

Marijake Caprell
Oct 28, 2024

I have been working with PMP for the last year and a half and they have been excellent! They are trustworthy, hardworking and extremely helpful as I settled into this new role. I have learned so much from everyone at PMP and in return I have been better equipped to work with my organization.





Raleigh, North Carolina, United States的营销公司