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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States



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Sagapixel 是一家医疗保健数字营销公司,由首席执行官 Frank Olivo 于 2017 年创立。多年来,Sagapixel 已成长为医疗保健组织值得信赖的合作伙伴,这些组织希望提升其数字影响力并有效地接触目标受众。我们与各种各样的客户合作,从本地医疗保健提供商到创新的健康科技公司,将 Sagapixel 定位为医疗保健营销领域的领导者。

我们对卓越的承诺获得了多项殊荣,包括在 2023 年入选 Philly100 和 INC5000 地区赛。这些荣誉凸显了我们的快速发展、在竞争激烈的行业中取得的成功以及我们致力于为客户提供切实成果的决心。

在 Sagapixel,我们明白成功的数字营销需要多方面的方法。我们的策略旨在最大限度地提高自然搜索、付费搜索和社交媒体渠道的可见性,并特别强调视频内容的力量。视频已成为吸引和教育观众的重要工具,我们的团队擅长制作引人注目的视频内容,引起您的目标市场的共鸣。

我们的团队由技术娴熟的专业人士组成,包括作家、视频编辑、内容策略师和 SEO 专家,每个人都发挥自己的专业知识,确保您的医疗保健实践不仅在网上可见,而且在网上蓬勃发展。无论您专注于提升搜索引擎排名、开展有效的付费搜索活动,还是建立强大的社交媒体影响力,Sagapixel 都有工具和人才来帮助您实现目标。

当您选择 Sagapixel 时,您选择的不仅仅是一家数字营销服务提供商。您选择的是一位敬业的合作伙伴,致力于了解您独特的业务需求并制定可带来可衡量成果的定制营销策略。我们的目标是成为您成功故事中不可或缺的一部分。


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这是新泽西州汉密尔顿的全新特许经营店。我们的任务是在尽可能短的时间内让他们对所有目标关键词进行排名。他们的本地竞争对手包括 Bayada、Visiting Angels、 和许多其他强大、权威的域名。






在我们与该客户合作之前,他们的 Google Ads 帐户管理非常松散。搜索查询报告很少被审查,这导致在信息性和不相关的查询上产生不必要的支出。


我们使用了之前为其他整形外科医生测试过的 Google Ads 广告系列。


2021 年第一季度,我们将季度转化量增加了 39%,并将每次转化成本降低了约 23%。从那时起,我们通过降低每条销售线索的成本,稳步提高了转化率。


这是一家家庭佣工特许经营商,他对运营公司网站的数字营销公司以及该特许经营商的许多 Google Ads 营销活动感到沮丧。每个潜在客户的成本超过 200 美元,这种情况在某些市场确实会发生,但他们想看看我们会成为一个什么样的公司


我们使用了预先构建的 Google Ads 家庭护理广告系列和着陆页。


在第一个月内,我们已经提供了 <60 美元的潜在客户,最终达到每次转化(致电或表单提交)的平均成本 34.78 美元。通常,这只有拥有强大品牌的家庭护理机构才有可能实现,例如 Home Helpers Home Care。

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Nurse Next Door 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Visiting Angels 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Elite Facial Plastic Surgery 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Vero Beach Pediatrics 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Klarity Health 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Canon 发展业务
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 Philly100 - #33 Fastest-Growing Company in Philadelphia 奖项
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 Inc Regionals 2024 = #87 奖项
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 NJBIZ Fastest Growing Privately-Led Company in NJ #18 奖项
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 Google Partner 奖项
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 Top Digital Marketing Agency 2022 奖项
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 营销公司 Sagapixel 获得了 #5 Best Web Design Firm 2022 奖项


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Beverly Kardos
Jul 19, 2024

We at Nurse Next Door are thrilled to share our experience working with Sagapixel. Their team has been instrumental in driving significant growth for our company through their exceptional digital marketing services and advisement. From the outset, Sagapixel demonstrated a deep understanding of our goals and challenges, and they tailored their strategies to align perfectly with our needs.Their dedication and passion for promoting our brand are evident in every interaction and deliverable. Sagapixel not only increased our website traffic but also implemented effective search engine optimization strategies that have boosted our online presence significantly. Their proactive approach and commitment to results have made them a valued partner in our journey to expand our reach and impact. Furthermore, Grace and Frank have been a pleasure to work with. They are responsive, knowledgeable, and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure our satisfaction. Their expertise in digital marketing coupled with their genuine care for our success make them stand out in their field. We highly recommend Sagapixel to any company looking to enhance their online visibility and achieve measurable growth. Thank you, Sagapixel, for your outstanding service and unwavering support!

Chris Maciborski
Jul 22, 2024

I used Sagapixel for a company website. The team was professional, responsive and helpful throughout the entire process. We felt they listened to our needs and advised us through choices in order for us to make the best decision. A couple of needs discussed during the initial conversations were missed in the initial build process, but all were addressed by completion of the project to our satisfaction. We went into our project with a budget and were successful. Many of our staff have been complimentary of the new website. Will continue to use Sagapixel for future projects and needs.

Alexandra Rodriguez
Aug 27, 2024

We have partnered with Sagapixel for the past few years in revitalizing and maintaining our website. Their service is exemplary, their people are wonderful, they are highly responsive and their solutions to problems are spot on. Nearly 3 years after we worked on the website redesign it is still functioning exactly as we had wished for while being adaptable for changing needs. Couldn't ask for more.

Mitch B
Jul 18, 2024

I work with Jim and Angela, and they have really improved my business! They took me from having no visibility to being front page of Google, and the revenue speaks for itself. Highly recommend Sagapixel if you want a company that delivers on their promises

Heidi Haynes
Jul 19, 2024

This is going to sound so unbelievably corny, but it's ALL true !!!!! The entire team makes me feel like they are my personal companies SEO department. They know my mission, goals, personality and have incorporated themselves into our companies heart and soul. Every, and I do mean every interaction is personal. They have exceeded my expectations brought and tangible value to my company.





It takes about 3 minutes.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States的营销公司

It takes about 3 minutes.