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Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom




Submerge 不仅仅是一家数字营销机构,我们还是值得信赖的 SEO 和内容营销专家,帮助英国和全球品牌提升排名、增加流量并以有意义的方式与客户建立联系。我们总部位于赫特福德郡,提供完整的 SEO 套餐,从细致的技术审核到吸引和转化的创意内容活动。

我们的 SEO 服务涵盖了您的网站在搜索结果中占据主导地位所需的一切。无论是微调元标记和关键字优化等页面元素,解决技术 SEO 挑战以提高网站速度和结构,还是建立高质量的反向链接以增强您网站的权威性,我们都有专业知识来提供帮助。将这些与精心制作的内容(既有信息又有启发性的博客文章、指南和文章)相结合,您就拥有了一项旨在取得长期成功的 SEO 策略。

在 Submerge,我们认为出色的 SEO 不是玩弄算法或偷工减料。而是了解您的业务、受众和目标,从而制定可带来可衡量结果的定制策略。我们知道 SEO 的强大程度取决于支持它的内容,因此我们的内部编辑、作者和设计师团队确保我们创作的每一篇作品都引人注目、相关且随时可排名。

但我们并不止于此。我们的方法超越了 SEO,涵盖了全套数字营销服务,包括网页设计、内容营销、PPC 管理和推广活动。我们不仅要帮助您的企业吸引访客,还要将他们转变为忠实客户。

Submerge 中没有废话、没有流行语,当然也没有单调的文案。只有切实可行的策略和以洞察力为主导的有效数字营销。难怪 70% 的营销人员都认为 SEO 比 PPC 更有效——我们在这里向您展示其中的原因。

准备好改变您的在线形象了吗?让 Submerge 将您的数字营销提升到一个新的水平。无论您是在寻找技术 SEO 专业知识、一流的内容还是全面的战略改革,我们都能为您提供所需的技能。让我们一起创造辉煌。

$2,500 起
  • 3-6 个月
  • Australia
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 英语


Riviera Travel 是一家价值 2 亿英镑的度假品牌,面向 50 岁以上的人群,在数十年通过报纸进行联营销售之后,其战略性地转向通过数字渠道进行直销。它需要大量吸引乘客来购买全球假期和河流游轮。


我们与内部团队合作,确定了高优先级关键词,设置了监控并重组了旅游页面。我们创建了一个每周内容计划,涵盖网站和社交渠道,提供超过 120 份鼓舞人心的旅游指南、视频导览和互动工具。我们创建了一个内容日历,专门针对高流量、高度相关的搜索词,提供漏斗顶部的内容,帮助提高整体域名权限并向新客户展示品牌。


尽管 2020 年新冠疫情导致旅游搜索量下降,但截至目前,我们所做的工作使网站的自然流量同比增长了 1,200%。新推出的旅游杂志博客让大量高优先级关键词排名第一,覆盖范围比以往任何时候都更广,客户参与度也更高。


Laithwaites 需要减少对品牌搜索的依赖,并提高非品牌、高流量搜索词的自然可见性。- 在 12 个月内将自然流量增加 40%,目标是整个网站的点击量超过 280 万次。- 将之前未排名的高流量通用关键词提升到前 3 名。- 解决复杂的技术问题,包括网站可抓取性、JavaScript 渲染和重复内容。- 将重点从品牌搜索流量转移到通用搜索流量


为了解决技术性 SEO 网站问题,我们专注于优化整个 Laithwaites 网站的产品着陆页 (PLP)。我们支持推出 1,000 个 SEO 优化 PLP,确保每个页面都有清晰的 URL 结构、适当的规范规则和完整呈现的内容。我们方法的核心部分是开发高质量、信息丰富的内容,以吸引用户并提高 SERP 排名。Submerge 创建了大约 200 个新 PLP,每个都包含详细的描述和常见问题解答。


此次活动最显著的成果之一是 的自然流量增加。我们提高了自然点击量,超过了最初 40% 的目标。这一令人印象深刻的增长主要得益于整个网站的技术改进以及对高流量、非品牌关键词的战略关注,这吸引了更广泛的受众。总体而言,Laithwaites 前 5 个关键词的可见性提高了 222%,SERP 中增加了 1,000 多个新关键词。


这个国际 SEO 和网站开发项目针对对 ISO 认证和培训感兴趣的中小型企业、政府机构和行业专业人士,体现了对美国质量、安全和效率的承诺。挑战包括:- 在 12 个月内将自然流量增加 40%,展示次数增加 200%。- 提供 SEO 见解以指导更广泛的品牌战略。- 通过 PPC 增加自然流量。- 提高品牌知名度。


我们的活动围绕重建网站展开,以建立强大的 SEO 基础并提高性能。我们升级了 ISO 认证页面,以提高其视觉吸引力、转化率和有机性能,确保它们遵循 SEO 最佳实践。submerge 团队进行了彻底的关键字研究、竞争对手分析和内容差距分析,以确定高影响力关键字和内容机会。根据这些见解,我们制定了内容计划。


我们在几个月内将排名关键词数量增加到近 1,000 个,同期自然点击量达到 400 多次。该活动通过开发丰富、信息丰富的内容并提高关键词排名,将网站确立为 ISO 认证领域的权威来源。这大大提高了网站吸引长尾信息搜索的能力。

Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Amtivo Group 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 GSK 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Laithwaites 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Legal & General 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Riviera Travel 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Octopus Energy 发展业务
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom 营销公司 Submerge 获得了 UK Search Awards 2024 奖项


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Marie-Clare Dixon
Aug 29, 2024

I had the pleasure of partnering with Matt, Lynn and the team at Submerge to develop content that truly resonated with our target audience at Riviera. From the outset, their team demonstrated a deep understanding of our brand's voice and goals, crafting strategies that were not only data-driven but also incredibly effective. The content they created was engaging, informative, and perfectly tailored to our audience, which led to a significant boost in our online visibility and user engagement. What impressed me most was their commitment to delivering quality at every stage of the process. They took the time to understand our industry nuances and consistently provided insights that helped refine our approach. Their proactive communication and willingness to be part of the team made the collaboration seamless and enjoyable. Thanks to Submerge, we saw measurable growth in our organic traffic, improved search rankings, and built a stronger connection with our audience. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their SEO and content strategy.

Andy Evangelou
Jul 16, 2024

A K E Tax & Accountancy Ltd couldn't be happier with the web development services provided by Submerge Limited. Matt took the time to understand our business needs, target audience, and overall vision for the website. They created a visually stunning website that perfectly captures the essence of our brand. Throughout the entire process, they kept us updated with regular progress reports and were always available to answer any questions. Submerge Limited is our go to company for all our digital marketing needs.

Adrian Phippsa
Jul 18, 2024

I have had the pleasure to know and work with Submerge and the team across several years. From content production, consultancy to SEO and search marketing. I have seen them grown from a boutique into a successful international search and production agency that manages to retain their core aim of ensuring a personal and accountable approach for each project. They are able to produce great results, to budget and exceed. I would highly recommend them. Get in touch and have a chat about your next search project - they might just surprise you!.

Julia Haycocks
Jul 17, 2024

I had the pleasure of working with Matt and the team from Submerge when I launched a new beer subscription club. It was a completely new brand and no-one had heard of us, so we understood the importance of our online presence. Submerge helped us hugely and the traffic to our site was really strong thanks to their help with SEO and social media, and ensuring we had content (and keywords) that attracted the right audience. Not only did they suggest topics / blog content, write the content (ensuring all those keywords were in there) and upload the content, but they were also extremely good at reporting on the results in a way that gave us the detail we needed but in a way that it could be presented to the whole c-suite (not just the marketing experts). They went above and beyond to help our business grow, but they also took a lot of time to explain the importance and relevance of SEO and strengthening our website. They were valuable in making the brand a success and I learnt a considerable amount from working with them. I would highly recommend other businesses to work with Submerge to help quickly strengthen their brand presence, and I hope to work with Matt and the team on more projects in the future.

David English
Jul 18, 2024

Submerge has been a delight to work with and delivers work to the highest standards. I’ve used them across multiple website and SEO projects, all of which have been delivered to a very high standard.





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