Semrush Toolkits
Position Tracking
Why Do My Keywords Show n/a Under CPC and /or Volume?

Why Do My Keywords Show n/a Under CPC and /or Volume?

When you create a new tracking campaign in Position Tracking or add new keywords to the campaign, the tool will need up to an hour to estimate volumes and CPC for your list of keywords.

0 for CPC

This means that the cost per click is less than $0.01 or no one runs ads on this keyword.

N/A for CPC

This means that we haven’t found any information telling us that advertisers are bidding on that keyword yet.

0 for Volume

This means that the keyword has less than 10 average monthly searches in your set location.

N/A for Volume

This means that we didn’t get enough clickstream data to calculate the volume of this keyword at the moment.

However, if the keyword has a higher search volume than 10 within Organic Research / Keyword Research tools and you still see “N/A” in Position Tracking, PPC Keyword Tool or On Page SEO Checker, this could be due to the local target specified in the setup wizard of your project. Try switching the volumes from Local to National.

Volume types in Position Tracking

If we can’t pull volume for one location, try checking the results for another one. For example, if there’s no data for a location labelled “Brooklyn, New York” or “Manhattan, New York.”, try switching to “New York, New York.” 

If there’s still no local data for your keywords, try searching your keyword in a more global location (state, region or country).

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